Diabetes is a condition where the glucose levels in your blood rise. Insulin, is a hormone made by the pancreas which helps to get food from the blood into your cells to be used for energy. When you have diabetes, the insulin in your body does not work very well or is insufficiently produced which leads to higher glucose levels in the blood. This is where diet and lifestyle changes, sometimes along with medication can help.
There are currently more than 5 million people living with diabetes in the UK?
There are almost 1 million people who could have diabetes but are yet to be diagnosed.
There are 2.4 million people at high risk of developing diabetes.
Did you know?
Can lead to irreversible complications (kidney problems, nerve damage, sight loss, foot problems, heart attack and stroke, cancer)
Leads to almost 9600 amputations each year.
Causes premature death with an average of over 700 premature deaths a week.
Is one of the main causes of preventable sight loss.
Is a preventable condition and can be managed or prevented with weight loss, diet and lifestyle changes.
People with Diabetes are…
Nearly twice as likely to have heart disease or stroke as having diabetes means you are likely to have risk factors such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
Twice as likely to suffer from depression.
More likely to develop serious illness from Covid-19 (if diabetes is not managed well).